Sunday, December 18, 2005

Well, it's about darn time!

Just start blogging. That's it. There's nothing else for it. Diane, for one, will be so pleased. So will the women from my writers group -- all two of them. (Hi Marianne, Hi Sue. Look, I'm blogging!)

Diane, btw, is my Webster Woman -- a fitting moniker and not just 'cuz she keeps the "50 Ways to Leave Your 40s" website looking buff. Diane is also "my" Webster in a dictionary sense: She being a thoroughly schooled librarian, there is nothing she can't find! And she does so -- always -- with enthusiasm and good cheer! So let me begin my blog by thanking Diane with a phrase as worn as a hundred-year-old quilt: "I couldn't do this without you."

Thanks, too, to Marianne and Sue, whose verve for blogging was instantly contagious. You can check out their blogs at and, respectively. But right now I have an insistent 8-year-old at my elbow, in need of his mother's attention, so off I go.

More soon!

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Good job, Sheila! Don't forget to put a link to your home page on your blog (and vice versa)!

Authors Interview with Pat McMahon

PAT'S LAST WORDS... Sadly (er, cheaply), when Peg and I ordered a copy of our appearance on the show, we opted for merely our "segment" -- as opposed to the whole show, or even the first half-hour. While this saved us all of ten bucks or something, it also, tragically, left off "the money quote" --- that is, what Mr. McMahon had to say when they got back from commercial. "Don't worry," he said. "The Loofah Lady is gone!" And indeed I was, along with my trustee sidekick and coauthor, Dr. Peg ---- off to tape another interview across town. (This was in Phoenix.) Let me see if we've got that one linked here -- it's called "Your Life: A to Z" ...

Authors Interview on KCHF TV