Sunday, April 20, 2008

MEGA-THANKS to All Commenters

Or shall I call you "commentators"?

"What commentators?" you may well ask, as this blog has received so few comments. Well, mostly I'm talking about the 13 good souls who allowed the "50/40" excerpt at to climb so high on the site's Most Discussed list. These (lucky number) 13 include our publicist Kim Corbin; my dear friend Diane Arnold; my sister Kathleen Imes; an old (okay, middle-aged) classmate of mine, Angela Beauchman Palmer, with whom I went to school from first grade through senior year; Gina Pera, a former editor of mine (and, for a long time now, a very good friend) who happens to be closing in on the publication of her own book (Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.?); Lindy Gold, one of my dearest Albuquerque friends, who handles marketing for Classical KHFM; Reina Romero, a mom from my kids' school; and Stephanie Freeman, one of my friends from San Diego days (and today!). We also received comments from some of the BoomerCafe folks themselves, including Cindy La Ferle, David Henderson, and last but not least, "BoomerCafe Guys." Thanks, everybody!

Wait! You count only 11, you say? Yes, well, Peg and I make 13. I guess I can thank us, too! Why not?

Now.... WHO wants to leave a comment right here at the "50 Ways" blog? Come on... don't be shy!

Love, Love, Love,


Anonymous said...

Hey Sheila and Peg,

I want you to know I am almost ready to open the jar of cherry preserves Sheila sent to me..what is it, two years ago (don't tell me three or four)?

I believe she made these just after she sealed the book contract, and I was so impressed that, with crazy deadlines screaming down her neck and everything else in life, she managed to make cherry preserves! And send them to me!

So, I kept it on the shelf just above my desk as inspiration while I slogged through my own magnum opus. (This took restraint. Did I mention that cherry preserves are my favorite? )

Final proof comes in tomorrow...I can almost taste it. Thanks Sheila!
Gina Pera

Sheila Key said...

Wow, Gina --- you really ARE closing in on the publication of your book. Many congratulations!

As for cherry preserves, know this: Even as we [blog], the cherry tree out front blooms with the promise of this summer's jam!

Thanks a ton for commenting! And "happy tastebuds to you"
...until we meet again!

Anonymous said...

Okay, now I've had a chance to view the interview. Great job, ladies!

You're talking my language--Neural pathways!

Your book is a tonic--just what I need now.

Keep spreading the word!

Authors Interview with Pat McMahon

PAT'S LAST WORDS... Sadly (er, cheaply), when Peg and I ordered a copy of our appearance on the show, we opted for merely our "segment" -- as opposed to the whole show, or even the first half-hour. While this saved us all of ten bucks or something, it also, tragically, left off "the money quote" --- that is, what Mr. McMahon had to say when they got back from commercial. "Don't worry," he said. "The Loofah Lady is gone!" And indeed I was, along with my trustee sidekick and coauthor, Dr. Peg ---- off to tape another interview across town. (This was in Phoenix.) Let me see if we've got that one linked here -- it's called "Your Life: A to Z" ...

Authors Interview on KCHF TV